The last remaining building from the first and only African-American 4H Club in Georgia, the Emery Thomas Auditorium will be nominated to the National Register of Historic Places.
Built in 1957, the building was the auditorium and assembly hall of the Dublin 4H Center. First established in 1939, the camp provided a place for African-American 4H youth to perform demonstration events, hold state congresses, and recreate prior to integration.
The building is named for one of Dublin's first African-American City Councilman, Emery (Emory) Thomas who was integral to the camp's success. Today, the building is situated within the City of Dublin municipal Riverside Golf Course where it is used for rentals and events.
The nomination provides much due recognition of the site's history and has opened doors for the receipt of grants to ensure the building's preservation. In October of 2021, the Georgia National Register Review Board unanimously approved the listing and in 2022, the Emery Thomas Auditorium was officially listed to the National Register of Historic Places.