Patterson House
The LP Future Project was launched in 2021 by the Thomasville History Center to re-imagine the future of the Lapham-Patterson House, a National Historic Landmark. The Lapham-Patterson House is a whimsical Victorian-era house owned by the Georgia Department of Natural Resources that has been operated as a museum since the 1970s. In 2011, the Thomasville History Center began managing the property, opening the house for tours two days a week. Current operations are not sustainable due to financial and staff challenges. Ethos launched the LP Future Project in 2022 to develop a shared community vision for the future, exploring ideas for adaptive reuse.
The LP Future Project gathered feedback from the Thomasville community at-large through a month-long engagement effort with a series of stakeholder focus groups, a participatory public art project “This House Would Make A Great…” and an online survey. Informed by the opinions of community members and city officials, real estate and market data, and examples from across the country, the final report establishes a short-list of reuse scenarios and outlines a partnership roadmap for the adaptive reuse of the House.
For this effort, Ethos drafted the project's design, created a website, facilitated the stakeholder focus groups, and built and installed a participatory public art project titled "This House Would Make A Great..." that received over 200 responses.The project received an honorable mention in the Special Projects category at the 2022 Georgia Association of Museums Conference.