Built in 1884, the Union United Methodist Church is the third building associated with the congregation. The church is the oldest Methodist church in Bulloch County and one of the oldest Methodist churches in Georgia in continuous use. The current church sits on the same site as the two earlier sanctuaries, adjacent to a cemetery where many of the earliest congregants are buried.
Today, the church congregation is a dedicated group interested in recording the church's history and ensuring the building is preserved. Members include descendants of Joshua Hodges, Sr., who founded the congregation in 1790.
Contacted by Cogdell Mendrala Architects to assist with the rehabilitation planning, Ethos Preservation was engaged to begin the process of listing the building to the National Register of Historic Places and complete a Historic Structure Report to better understand the building's evolution and current condition.
Historic research revealed that the building was last altered in the early twentieth century to include the reconfiguration of the building's roof above the porch. This alteration extended the building's ridge-line to incorporate a front gable end. This area was also the location of the greatest concern, as the porch roof has experienced significant deflection. Recommendations outlined adhere to the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation. The document will now guide the rehabilitation design of the building moving forward.
This work was paired with the submission of a Preliminary Determination of Eligibility for the listing of the building to the National Register of Historic Places, which is currently in review.